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Monday, 28 July 2008

042. Presentation: Allah's Artistry In Colour

1. (Cita Rasa Seni Warna Ilahi)

Colours, patterns, spots even lines if each living being existing in nature have a meaning. For some species, colours serve as a communication tool; for others, they are a warning against enemies. An attentive eye would immediately recognize that the colours of living beings are created just as they should be. Furthermore, he would realize that everything is given to the service of man: the blue sky, the colorful flowers, the bright green trees and meadows, together with innumerable beauties surrounding man.

download animation >
(14.2 Mb - Indonesian Language/Zip/Exe+swf files)
Extract zip file, choose index.exe file.


Mike said...

pakde bisa upload lagi?
filenya dah dihapus sama host nya (adrive). thanks..

Yurisal Elmianto said...

ga bs download akhi

firza said...

ga ada filenya.
other link please.

pathetic-poetic said...

dah gk available, Bos.

Aby Ilniha Noor said...

iya neh, file nya kagak ada, gimana nih ? mbok tolong di update gitu loh ???

edi said...

iya pakde, kok ga bisa. bisa upload ulang tak?
