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Friday, 11 July 2008

038. Presentation: Technology in Nature - The Miracle of Creation in Elephants

(Keajaiban Penciptaan Gajah)

In the Qur’an, people are summoned to contemplate numerous events and objects that clearly testify to the existence and uniqueness of Allah and His attributes. In the Qur’an, all these beings that bear witness are designated as "signs", meaning "tested evidence, absolute knowledge and expression of truth". Therefore, the signs of Allah comprise all the beings in the universe that disclose and communicate the being and attributes of Allah. Those who can observe and remember will see that the entire universe is only composed of the signs of Allah.

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037. Web Offline:

When we look at Buddhism in the light of the verses of the Qur’an, we see that this belief is built on twisted teachings, contains peculiar acts of worship incompatible with human reason and logic, and turns man towards idolatry. This book reveals all the deviant aspects of this superstitious religion.

Many people become excited at the idea of becoming "different" or more "original." In almost every society since the dawn of history, some individuals have tried to stand out and draw attention to themselves by their life style, clothing, hairstyles, or distinctive way of speaking. They've managed to stir up public reaction and attract interest at the same time.

In recent years, Western societies have seen the emergence of an unusual current that draws attention to itself by its rather strange life style. It's made up of individuals who want to attract attention by adopting Eastern culture, beliefs, and philosophies—of which the most important is Buddhism. Read the perverted philosophy of buddhism in this site.

Throughout the world, but especially in America and Europe, some individuals have been intrigued by Buddhism, spurred on mostly by the superstitious, secret, and awesome qualities they perceive in this religion. Generally, those who adopt Buddhism do so not because they believe in the logic of its philosophy, but because they're attracted by its "mystical" atmosphere, drawn to this superstition because it is presented to them as far more different and awesome than any other philosophy they encounter in their normal lives. For example, the story of how Buddhism came to be is related to them as a fantastic, mystic legend. Books and films about Buddhism depict Buddha as the source of a great mystery. Likewise, Buddhist priests are presented as possessors of secret, arcane knowledge. They fascinate Westerners with their exotic robes, shaved heads, style of worship, elaborate ceremonies, dwelling places, meditation, yoga and other such strange practices.

For these reasons, Buddhism is seized upon as an important tool by people who want to demonstrate that they are different from others in their society, and who want to project the image of having discovered of a valuable secret. If an ordinary person suddenly shaves his head one day, puts on a brightly-colored robe and begins to teach Buddhist doctrine using mystical words he never uttered before, he will certainly attract curious attention and be thought of as "original."

A number of celebrities have adopted Buddhism for similar purposes. They make speeches in Tibetan Buddhist robes to appear different from others, drawing attention to themselves perhaps to become even better known to their public. They visit Buddhist temples accompanied by Buddhist priests and also make propaganda for the Buddhist religion.

You may have already learned a considerable amount about Buddhism and gained a general knowledge of it through both written and visual media. In this site, we'll examine Buddhism's superstitious character in the light of the Qur'an and let you see clearly this superstitious religion's more perverse aspects.

When we consider Buddhism's appearance, its scriptures, general beliefs, style of worship in the light of the Qur'an, we begin to see that its basic philosophy is founded on very deviant doctrines. Indeed, its worship contains strange practices leading its devotees to worship idols of stone and clay. As a belief, Buddhism is contrary to logic and intelligence. Countries where it has been adopted have mixed it with their own idolatrous ideas, traditions and local customs, joining it with myths and deviant ideas until it has evolved into a totally godless philosophy.

When fused with Brahmanism, Hinduism, Shintoism and other idolatrous Eastern religions, Buddhism has assumed a much darker form. Those who adopt this religion not because they believe it, but because they're attracted by the "secrets" of the Far East or just to draw attention to themselves, should realize that Buddhism contains perverse doctrines that can lead them to deny God, associate handmade idols with Him and lead a life of superstition. To ignore Buddhism's mindless aspects and espouse it just to be trendy and go along with others will result in great loss.

Those who make propaganda on behalf of Buddhism often present it as a means of salvation. Those who long to escape from a materialist society's hard, disputatious culture- along with its worries, anxieties, quarrels, pitiless rivalry, selfishness and falsehoods-resort to Buddhism as the way to achieve peace of mind, security, tolerance and a fulfilling life. But Buddhism is not, as it is generally thought to be, a belief that brings contentment. On the contrary, those who are taken into Buddhism are often drawn into a deep pessimism. Even people with a considerable level of education and modern worldview will become individuals who see nothing wrong with begging with their bowls in hand, who believe that in their next lives, human beings may be reborn as mice or cattle, and who expect help from idols carved from stone or cast in bronze. For these people, Buddhism's deviant beliefs inflict serious psychological damage. In countries where Buddhism is widespread, or in regions inhabited by many Buddhist priests, pessimism and gloominess are clearly prominent.

"… By His Words God wipes out the false and confirms the truth." (Qur'an 42:24)

One basic reason for this is the laziness and indolence that Buddhism inculcates in its adherents. Because it lacks any faith in an eternal afterlife, Buddhism does not urge its devotees to be better or develop themselves, to beautify their environment, or to advance culturally. Islam always urges its adherents to seek out and apply themselves to what is better and more beautiful. Islam's dynamic moral teaching requires people to research and learn, to develop themselves and be useful to their communities. In one verse of the
Qur'an (35: 28), God says that "Only those of His servants with knowledge stand truly in awe of Him."

The only way to find true happiness and contentment in this world-to escape every kind of pessimism, unhappiness, and pitiless evil-is for people to submit themselves to God, our Creator, and lead lives that will win His approval. Our Lord, the only sovereign of Earth and Heaven has announced that for all people the way of salvation is to embrace the Qur'an, sent down as a guide to the true path. In the Qur'an (14: 1), God affirms,
"… this is a Book We have sent down to you so that you can bring mankind from the darkness to the light, by the permission of their Lord, to the Path of the Almighty, the Praiseworthy." Those who believe in idolatrous religious like Buddhism should realize that they have been misguided:

That is God, your Lord, the Truth, and what is there after truth except misguidance? So how have you been distracted? (Qur'an, 10: 32)

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Tuesday, 8 July 2008

036. The Struggle Against The Religion of Irreligion

(Jihad Menentang Agama Batil)

In this book such ideologies as materialism, communism, Darwinism (the so-called scientific basis of those ideologies) and other systems based on disbelief are referred to as "religions of irreligion." Throughout the 20th century until today the religion of irreligion has, perhaps for the first time in history, spread extensively. That is why, especially in our age, it is of great importance for believers to take part in the noble intellectual struggle mentioned in the Qur’an and save the world from the evils of irreligion.


At first glance you may have been puzzled by the title "The Religion of Irreligion" because "religion," as perceived by many, is usually associated with Allah's revelation. Alternatively, there are other beliefs known as "false" religions, like Buddhism and Hinduism. As the name suggests, "irreligion" is a concept that rejects religion completely and denies the existence of Allah

However, there exist today in every corner of the world particular systems of belief adhered to as strictly as religion, yet they are never called "religion." In this book such ideologies as materialism, communism, Darwinism (the so-called scientific basis of those ideologies) and other systems based on disbelief are referred to as "religions of irreligion." That is simply because they have all become irreligious religions in themselves, with a complete system of beliefs and practices. They all have their own idolized leaders and immutable books which their followers learn by heart. False religions spread rapidly and attract many adherents who are committed to making the "religion of irreligion" prevail and perpetually oppose the just and true religion (i.e., Islam), publishing books and articles to spread propaganda in favor of their manmade religions.

Among the major obstacles encountered by adherents to irreligion is the Qur'an, the only existing guide to the true path, revealed by Allah. The Qur'an gives a detailed account of the struggle that is to be waged against false religions and entrusts believers with this noble responsibility. At present there is a need for faithful people to undertake the service of showing false religions to be erroneous and to give serious effort to this cause.

Throughout the 20th century until today the religion of irreligion has, perhaps for the first time in history, spread extensively. In the words of the Qur'an, the followers of irreligion

"use falsehood [thinking] to invalidate thereby the truth."( Surah al-Kahf, 18:56)

That is why, especially in our age, it is of great importance to take part in the noble struggle mentioned in the Qur'an and refute ideologically all the tenets of irreligion.

Allah gave important information to His servants who take upon themselves this honorable duty:

"Rather, We dash the truth upon falsehood, and it destroys it, and thereupon it departs." (Surah al- Anbiya 21:18)

Therefore, we aim to eliminate falsehood by presenting basic truths about matter and about Darwin's theory of evolution, which can be found in the latter part of this book.

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035. 24 Hours in The Life of A Muslim

(24 Jam Dalam Kehidupan Seorang Muslim)


In the Qur'an, Allah Himself responds to all the questions a person needs answered throughout his life and provides the perfect and most rational solutions for all problems that arise. As Allah says in the second verse of Surat al-Baqara, "That is the Book, without any doubt. It contains guidance for those who guard against evil." Other verses also show that our Lord has explained everything in the Qur'an:

There is instruction in their stories for people of intelligence. This is not a narration which has been invented but confirmation of all that came before, a clarification of everything, and a guidance and a mercy for people who believe. (Surah Yusuf: 111)

… We have sent down the Book to you making all things clear and as guidance and mercy and good news for the Muslims. (Surah an-Nahl: 89)

A person of faith orders his whole life according to the Qur'an and strives to apply carefully from day to day what he has read and learned in its verses. In everything he does from the moment he gets up in the morning until the time he falls asleep at night, he is intent on thinking, speaking and acting according to the teachings of the Qur'an. Allah shows in the Qur'an that this dedication dominates the whole life of a believer.

Say: "My prayer and my rites, my living and my dying, are for Allah alone, the Lord of all the worlds." (Surat al-An'am: 162)

But some people think that religion is composed of rituals limited to certain times-that life is divided into times for prayer and other times. They think about Allah and the afterlife only when they pray, fast, give sadaqah or go on the pilgrimage to Makkah. At other times they are engrossed in the business of the world. Life in this world is for them an unpleasant rat-race. Such people are almost totally divorced from the Qur'an and have their own personal goals in life, their own understanding of morality, their own worldview and sense of values. The have no idea of what the teaching of the Qur'an really means.

A person who adopts the teaching of the Qur'an and follows the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, as his principle of living will certainly live life quite differently from someone with this mentality. Such a person will not forget that he is subject to the destiny that Allah has decreed for him and will live his life trusting in, and submitting to, Him. Therefore, he will know that he must not be anxious, sad, fearful, worried, pessimistic or depressed; or overtaken by panic in the face of difficulties. He will meet everything that comes along in the way that Allah advises and approves. His every word, decision and action show that he lives according to the Sunnah which is the practical embodiment of the teaching of the Qur'an. Whether he is taking a walk, eating a meal, going to school, studying, working, playing sports, having a conversation, watching television or listening to music, he is aware that he is responsible for living his life according to the what is pleasing to Allah. He takes care of matters with which he has been entrusted meticulously and is concerned at the same time to win Allah's favour in the things he does. He never behaves in a way unbefitting the teaching of the Qur'an or contrary to the Sunnah.

Living by the values of Islam is possible by applying the commands and advice given in the Qur'an to every aspect of life. This and the practice of the Sunnah is the only way that people can achieve the best and happiest results in this world and the next. Our Lord tells us in the Qur'an that a person can attain the best kind of life by doing right actions:

Anyone who acts rightly, male or female, being a believer, We will give them a good life and We will recompense them according to the best of what they did. (Surat an-Nahl: 97)

By Allah's will, living according to the teaching of the Qur'an and the Sunnah will enable people to develop a broad way of understanding, superior intelligence, the ability to distinguish right from wrong and the ability to consider a matter in depth. These characteristics will ensure that the person who possesses them will live every moment of his life in the ease that comes from these advantages. A person who lives his life in submission to Allah and according to the teaching of the Qur'an will be totally different from other people how he behaves, sits and walks, in his point of view and how he explains and interprets things, and in the solutions he finds for the problems that confront him.

This book will examine the things a person does and the events he encounters almost every day of his life from the point of view of a Muslim who lives according to the teachings of the Qur'an. It will show how a Muslim should react to the various daily events and situations with which he is faced. The purpose of the book is two-fold: to present an idea of the good life that can be had thanks to the teaching of the Qur'an, and to invite all people into the superior life offered by this teaching. It is certain that only the teaching of the Qur'an makes it possible for a person to live every hour of every day, and every moment of his life in a Paradise-like, peaceful environment far from the stress, worry and anxiety of this world.

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034. Presentation: The Design in The Gecko Lizard Foot

The Design in The Gecko Lizard Foot

A creature capable of walking on the ceiling as if it were walking along the floor, or even of hanging upside down by just one leg. A creature capable of running with ease along a vertical, polished or slippery surface such as glass. These unfamiliar descriptions apply to the small lizard known as the gecko.

The Perfect Adhesive
The Flawless Design in Its Feet
A Model for the Latest Technology

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